Areas of Expertise
Our expertise in legal advice, legal representation and conducting cases
We can provide you with comprehensive, substantiated legal advice and consistent legal representation in proceedings and legal disputes before public authorities and the courts, in particular on the following issues and in the following areas of law:
Companies and financial law
As a well-established law office in Zug with years of experience, one of our main areas of expertise is corporate and financial law.
Contract law
Looking for help with drawing up, revising or reviewing contracts, regulations and other legal documents or for support on contract management? Then get in touch with our experts.
Corporate law/Company law
Corporate law is one of the main areas our law office works in, meaning that not only do we offer our clients legal advice, we also represent them in proceedings and legal disputes before public authorities and the courts.
We have years of expertise and a wealth of knowledge on corporate practice which allows us to advise our clients on tailor-made solutions on an individual basis.
We can advise you on the following areas in particular: Corporate Governance, Legal Aspects of Organisations, Strategic Alliances, Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A), Management Buyouts etc.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Commercial law
We can give you efficient advice on matters relating to registering a company, deputisation/proxies or the law around commercial registers
Public limited company (Aktiengesellschaft)
Whether you’re a member of the administrative board or a shareholder, we can advise you on all legal matters relating to the law on PLCs. This is one of our main areas of expertise, meaning that not only do we offer our clients legal advice, we also represent them in proceedings and legal disputes before public authorities and the courts, whether it’s in regards to share purchase agreements, shareholder agreements, shareholding contracts, regulations, terms and conditions (T&Cs), corporate governance and compliance, buying and selling companies (M&A) and contract management.
We can help you prepare and conduct AGMs or enforce shareholder rights, in particular when it comes to respecting minority shareholder rights.
If you are on an administrative board, we can provide you with legal advice on matters of company law and liability law and also act as your legal representative.
We also take on briefs as administrative board members.
Limited liability company (GmbH)
If you’re a CEO or partner, we can advise you on all legal matters relating to limited liability companies and can also represent you in proceedings and legal disputes before public authorities and the courts.
For example, we can help you prepare and conduct general meetings and transfers of ordinary shares or enforce shareholder rights (at a general meeting or before a court).
If you are a CEO, we can advise you on legal matters of company law and can also represent you in proceedings.
Cooperative societies (Genossenschaften)
We can advise you on all matters of cooperative society law.
We can also help you prepare and conduct general meetings.
Incorporation (PLC/Ltd)
Want to set up a public limited company or limited liability company? We can give you sound advice on the right company structure and draw up all the necessary documents for you (e.g. memorandum of association, articles of association, shareholder or partner agreements (including bilingual versions) or terms and conditions (T&Cs)) and we can notarise your incorporation straight away.
Get in touch to find out more or book a meeting.
Got a promising idea for a start-up or want to get involved in one? We’ll help you with legal regulations and protection.
Succession planning
How should business succession (such as within a family or a management buyout) be initiated and protected? We’ll give you legal input on these questions, plus full legal support to ensure your business succession goes smoothly.
Mergers and restructuring
We provide companies with innovative, goal-oriented support on restructuring processes (e.g. business transformation, M&A, private equity, joint venture, spin-off, transfer of assets, outsourcing, management buyout or leveraged buyout).
Planning to move your business to the Canton of Zug? We can support you on legal issues when it comes to both relocating your company and getting your people into the country and sorting out their residence permits.
We partner with a number of renowned tax experts to cover tax aspects.
Family office
We can help you set up family office structures. We will provide you with comprehensive and discreet legal assistance to ensure success when organising, running and managing your family office structure.
Labor law
In labour law, we can advise and represent both employers and employees in all matters of labour and social security law, always with a view to finding solutions. Our labour law services also include providing support on residence or work permits, as well as other issues around immigration.
We help our clients prepare and review employment contracts, staff regulations, references, severance agreements, terminations and more.
We can advise you on residence or work permits, as well as other issues around immigration.
We are also an expert point of contact when it comes to social security and labour law.
We conduct analyses and investigations into accusations of bullying, conduct appraisals and draw up bullying investigation reports and advise companies on preparing anti-bullying guidelines.
Building and property law
We can provide support on private and public building and property law.
Property owners and developers
We advise property owners and developers on the legal challenges involved in building and property law, especially for the sale or purchase of property, land registration matters, planning permission or clearing up other legal issues relating to land and property or disputes with neighbours.
We can support you on legal matters relating to the sale, purchase or leasing of condominiums, draw up or review co-op regulations, conduct co-op meetings and help with issues relating to property management.
Building companies (developers, tradespeople, architects) can benefit from our legal expertise and professional legal representation with regards to builder’s liens, building defects etc. or with preparing and/or reviewing works contracts
Objections to planning applications and applying for planning permission
We represent developers and complainants in the planning permission process.
Tenancy law
Got questions about tenancy law? We represent both tenants and landlords/management companies in matters relating to tenancy law for both commercial and private residential leases.
Our services include drawing up and reviewing lease agreements, regulations, the legal process when defects are discovered in the lease property or advising on and providing legal representation in case of terminations.
Liability and insurance
We can support you on a number of different issues relating to liability and insurance law.
Get in touch for more information and advice.
General liability law (contractual and non-contractual liability)
General liability law (contractual and non-contractual liability):
Reviewing and enforcing or defending claims arising from accidents, medical incidents or similar.
Get in touch for more information and advice.
Product liability law
Reviewing and enforcing or defending claims arising from defective products (incl. physical injury).
State liability law
Enforcing claims against public authorities.
Private insurance law
Clearing up claims arising from private insurance contracts.
Get in touch for more information and advice.
Social security law (disability insurance, pensions, survivor’s benefits etc.)
Providing advice and representation in matters relating to public disability and accident insurance or clarifying questions around social security contributions.
Inheritance law
We offer competent legal advice and representation in matters of inheritance law
Estate planning
Don’t leave it too late to plan the division of your estate. Thanks to our wealth of experience in planning and executing divisions of estates, we can recommend the best way for your to manage your will, in particular with regards to:
- Planning your estate
- Your options, such as choice of law
- Free estate and compulsory shares (Pflichtteile)
- Ensuring maximum protection for your spouse/partner
- Favouring of spouses
- Contesting inheritance
- Contract on testamentary burden (Auflagenvertrag)
- Inheritance renunciation contract
- Contract on testamentary burden (Auflagenvertrag)
- Contract concerning general legacy/legacy for a special purpose (Spezies-/Gattungsvermächtnisvertrag)
- Leaving a gift in your will
We will discuss the legal options with you and give you the best possible support. Get in touch for more information and advice.
Contesting inheritance
We can offer you competent legal representation in court proceedings relating to inheritance and support you on the various actions that can be brought under inheritance law.
Wills that have not been properly prepared or are just unclear not only pose the risk that the estate will not be divided as intended, they can also result in significant disputes and lots of time and money spent by survivors.
Take advantage of our expert advice to regularly check that your will is still correct.
We are happy to take you through the different options for drawing up a last will and testament in detail and to draw up a will that suits you – we can also notarise it right away as a public deed.
Contract of succession
With our extensive know-how, we can advise you on the different options available to you when it comes to drawing up a contract of succession, such as:
- Contract concerning naming of heirs, e.g. by naming a provisional heir/remainderman (Vor- und Nacherbe)
- Designation of a substitute heir (Ersatzerben-Einsetzung)
- Legacy contract, e.g. as provisional and remainder legacy or as substitution legacy
- Renunciation of inheritance in the strictest sense (Erbverzicht i.e.S.)
- Inheritance renunciation contract without valuable consideration (Erbauskauf)
A contract of succession can be concluded simultaneously with and also connected to a marriage contract. This makes sense in particular if you wish to favour your spouse as much as possible in the event of your death.
We will draw up the right contract of succession for you and can notarise it as a public deed.
We are happy to offer advice on how you can set out your legacies in a will, contract of succession or legacy contract, e.g. as provisional and remainder legacy or as substitution legacy.
Execution of wills
The executor is appointed by the testator in the will. It is his duty to manage the estate and implement the last will.
We can take on briefs as executors so that your estate is managed and divided the way you want it.
Or perhaps you are an executor and you need our legal assistance with winding up an estate (e.g. you need help drawing up a probate agreement)?
Get in touch with us for more information.
Representation of heirs
We can advise and support heirs in the context of divisions of estates, contesting wills or contracts of succession, actions brought under inheritance law, hotchpot and abatement of wills etc.
Marriage and family law
We can advise and support you on matters of marriage and family law, whether that’s drawing up contracts and agreements or representing you before public authorities, agencies (e.g. KESB, Child and Adult Protection Authority) or the courts. In particular, we will work to find ways to solve these conflicts for you without going to court (e.g. through mediation).
We can advise you on all areas of law relating to marriage and can also discuss options for drawing up a marriage contract, for example.
Protecting the marital union/Separation
We can provide you with expert support in the event of a separation (e.g. during proceedings to protect the marital union)
An amicable separation with a joint agreement is generally faster and more beneficial. We are therefore convinced that a separation agreement that has been drawn up jointly by the parties is generally speaking better for the parties than leaving it to a court decide.
We can help spouses jointly or individually with drawing up amicable separation agreements or where necessary we can represent a spouse in a court separation or measures for protection of the marital union before a court.
We can provide professional, solution-oriented support in the event of a divorce.
An amicable divorce with a joint divorce agreement is generally faster and more beneficial. We are therefore convinced that a divorce agreement that has been drawn up jointly by the parties is generally speaking better for the parties than leaving it to a court decide.
We can help spouses jointly or individually with drawing up amicable divorce agreements or
where necessary we can provide consistent support on contesting divorces before a court.
Need support with regulating maintenance? We have a wealth of experience in this area and in particular can assist you with calculating and enforcing child maintenance, care maintenance and spousal support.
Need support with regulating residence? We have a wealth of experience in this area and in particular can assist you with alternating residence.
Concubinage is not specifically regulated in law. It is therefore advisable to regulate your partnership with a concubinage agreement, and in particular to regulate the financial aspects, i.e. who will bear what costs in your partnership.
We are happy to help you draw up or review your concubinage agreement.
Patchwork family
Legal protection for patchwork families is complex, whether it’s in regards to maintenance, residence or even inheritance issues. Our experts can walk you through the different options and possible solutions.
Since the introduction of marriage equality, registered partnerships can no longer be established in Switzerland.
It is still possible to convert a registered partnership into a marriage. We also advise and represent clients with respect to dissolving registered partnerships.
Criminal law
We represent, defendants, injured parties and victims in criminal matters (with an emphasis on financial criminal law).
Get in touch with us for more information or a meeting.
Financial criminal law
We can help you clarify breaches of rules in business that are criminal in nature.
Get in touch with us for more information or a meeting.
Protection for victims
We support the victims of crimes and help them enforce their claims.
Get in touch with us for more information or a meeting.
Insolvency law and administration
Got a financial claim that you have to collect through an administrator? We can help you enforce your claim as a creditor.
We will advise and represent you in all matters and proceedings relating to administration, insolvency and succession law and in restructuring companies.
Get in touch with us if you need legal support when setting up a foundation.
We advise founders and board members with regards to foundation and contract law, adapting or reviewing foundation by-laws and documents and the supervisory aspects of running a foundation.
Urs J. Hausheer
Attorney at law and Notary
lic. iur. (MLaw)

Martina Balmer
Attorney at law and Notary, CAS in Forensics

Juerg Koller
Attorney at law and Notary, Mediator (SAV, Swiss Bar Association)
Dr. iur. (Doctor of Law)

Kurt Balmer
Attorney at law and Notary, Specialist in Torts and insurance law (SAV, Swiss Bar Association)
lic. iur. (MLaw)

Daniela von Flüe Bolliger
Attorney at law and Notary
lic. iur. (MLaw), LL.M.

Michael Iten
Attorney at law and Notary, Specialist in inheritance law (SAV, Swiss Bar Association)
Dr. iur. (Doctor of Law)