Attorneys at law and Notaries

Unser Spezialisten–Team von lege artis zug mit langjähriger Erfahrung und grosser Fachkompetenz steht Ihnen mit Rechts-, Notariats- und Beratungsdienstleistungen zur Durchsetzung Ihrer rechtlichen Interessen zur Verfügung.

Thanks to individual trainings and regular internal discussions, we are experts in law who can answer even complex legal questions efficiently and reliably and represent you and your legal interests “lege artis” before public authorities or the courts.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Our attorneys at law and Notaries are all registered in the Register of attorneys at law of the Canton of Zug.

The Latin expression de lege artis [lex, legis = law; ars, artis = art] means “by the rules of the art” or “generally acknowledged rules of the art”.

We are a renowned law and notary’s office with a long tradition in the heart of the financial hub that is Zug. Since being founded in 1978 as Hausheer & Partner and later Swisslegal HPLAW ZUG, we have established ourselves in Zug and the surrounding area as a competent law and notary’s office which provides a wide range of legal and interdisciplinary services in legal advice and litigation. We changed our name to lege artis zug – Rechtsanwälte und Notare in 2024.

The attorneys at law at lege artis zug offer both private individuals and companies professional legal advice and representation, and can also conduct cases for you before public authorities and the courts in Switzerland. With an analytical approach to our work, good time management and a focus on feasible and financially sensible solutions, we can offer you an efficient, client-specific and solution-oriented way of working.