Urs J. Hausheer
Attorney at law and Notary
lic. iur. (MLaw)
Martina Balmer
Attorney at law and Notary, CAS in Forensics
Juerg Koller
Attorney at law and Notary, Mediator (SAV, Swiss Bar Association)
Dr. iur. (Doctor of Law)
Kurt Balmer
Attorney at law and Notary, Specialist in Torts and insurance law (SAV, Swiss Bar Association)
lic. iur. (MLaw)
Daniela von Flüe Bolliger
Attorney at law and Notary
lic. iur. (MLaw), LL.M.
Michael Iten
Attorney at law and Notary, Specialist in inheritance law (SAV, Swiss Bar Association)
Dr. iur. (Doctor of Law)
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